Revamp Your Resolutions

Okay, so this year is already in full force and what? its June. Are you well on your way to that bikini body? Did you get out of that job you hate? Have you cut out that junk food or done any of those goals or resolutions you set yourself? Perhaps we just 'forgot', or didn't find the time. We're all guilty of wishful thinking or setting ourselves unrealistic expectations, not to mention the pressure that comes with society today to look good or be 'perfect'.

This year has changed a lot for me so far, towards the end of last year I got myself into a great mindset and I was determined that this year was going to be a year of change for me, so I made resolutions that I actually kind of stuck to, starting out small and taking it step by step, eventually it started to make a noticeable difference, which motivated me to continue. Don't get me wrong, its taken me a few years to get to this point, but this time it was different, this year was already beginning differently, and I started to make things happen. Six months ago I couldn't have imagined that I would be in a new job and moving into my own flat next month. I'll admit i've been a little set back recently, however, this is due to settling into my new job and just taking everything on board for the past couple of months. But since seeing that difference, i've still got that drive to get back to where I was up to and even further.

So i'm going to set a mini challenge for myself, and any of you that wish to take this upon yourselves.
Pick one small thing to do each morning or each day, be it drinking a pint of water when you get up, preparing your lunch each night before work, doing fifteen sit ups each morning - anything no matter how small, just something that will create a routine.
Now, the knock on effect from this is that you will feel a sense of achievement for doing something consistently over a period of time. You will start to notice little differences within yourself. Be it a difference in your mind and concentration for ensuring you're starting the day hydrated, or your skin for the extra intake of water. You may feel organised as you're fitting things into your life that you may not have made the time for previously. The more you build things into your life to become a routine, the more likely they are to become second nature and leave you wondering why you didn't do them before!

The best part is the sense of positivity and the little smile that will come across your face knowing that you made a change, and that the only way is up.

Guys, we've got this. 

I'd be interested to hear about any changes you've made and how its helped your life, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Antonia x


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