So recently I've had a couple of consistent off days here and there whilst i'm settling into my job, adjusting to the change and dealing with the effect of a total lack of exercise is having on my body. You know the score, wondering if I'm doing the right thing, if I'm good enough to do what I'm doing, trying to retain a whole host of information and feeling generally sluggish and low about my body since I'm not able to get to my Zumba classes! So instead of letting it consume me and worrying about the way it might go, I'm noticing, observing and making the change. So i've come up with a list of things to do that personally, work for me. So I thought i'd share them with you incase they may be useful on the chance you're having an off day! They may not work for everyone but its worth a shot and maybe gives you the inspiration to come up with some of your own or add to this list.
1. Listen to some happy music.
- Okay, so this can be anything from some cheesy pop, a guilty pleasure, or something that reminds you of good times. Alternatively, theres plenty of playlists on Youtube or Spotify that have already done the hard work for you in putting together a collection of songs if you want something quick and easy!
2. List 5 qualities about yourself.
- This is something I learnt from a period of CBT. We always tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive, so list five qualities that you like about yourself. Absolutely anything. From things to do with your features or physical appearance, to personality traits or hobbies.
3. Get out of bed.
- I know all to well that it can be easy to stay in bed and watch the day disappear. Plus I'm all for a lie in, but theres a fine line (with the exception of bed days every once in a while of course). So get up out of bed and go and have a drink, get lost in a book, sit outside, enjoy the morning. Another thing to do is make your bed shortly after getting up as you're far less likely to crawl back into it until bed time.
4. Eat a great breakfast.
- Set yourself up for the day by eating a good, strong breakfast. I tend to eat cereal or muesli with a banana, or poached eggs/avocados on toast. Breakfast is your main fuel for the day and its really important to start the day right, if I didn't eat since the night before I wouldn't make it until lunch time! It is believed to help maintain your weight as you're eating more regularly and avoid long periods without food.
5. Shower and get dressed.
- Its easy to lay around or miss out on last minute invitations if you're still in you're pjs. Get ready for the day so you have complete control of your day and aren't held back by the procrastination of getting ready. You can do what you want, when you want. No one is saying get your best glad rags on, just be showered and dressed so you can leave the house should you need to. Even if you don't make it out of the house you will feel more productive and willing to do something.
6. Pamper yourself.
- Set time aside once a month, two weeks or week to give yourself some much needed pamper time. Your body will thank you. Its good to create a little routine, as you will be more likely to repeat. Try skin care routines, hair colouring/masks, face masks, eyebrow care, nail care, baths, anything!
7. Allow a little time to organise and tidy up.
- I am a strong believer that a tidy space helps towards a tidy mind. Get rid of any clutter, organise your belongings, have regular clear outs - its crazy how quickly stuff builds up. Give things to charity, sell things online, you'll be surprised at how content this can make you feel.
8. Catch up with friends.
- Make time to talk to your friends, old and new. Listen to other people, talk about nonsense, give advice. Get away from your own life and get involved with other people. Getting connected gives us a sense of worth, especially when its seeing people you've not seen for a while. Most of all have fun! Even if you cant find time in person, make a phone call, go on Skype, text someone for a little while! You will still feel better for getting connected.
9. Indulge in a relaxing scent.
- Candles, incense, diffusers, oils, and so many scents to choose from! Find one you like, light it and wait for the scent to surround you. I find it nice to walk into a room and smell a lovely scent filling the air. Some of the best scents for relaxation are Lavender, Chamomile, Jasmine, Vanilla, Ylang-Ylang, Mandarin, Rose, Bergamot and Sandalwood.
10. Exercise.
- I can't stress enough how important exercise is to your well being and how your body feels. The more you workout, the stronger you feel in your mind and body. It helps you feel alive. The silver lining of the hard work is that it does start to pay off and when you start to see results you want to continue and push yourself further. Keep a diary of your progress, take photos, see the change. I've gone from exercising a little, and being on my feet all day at work, to no exercise and sitting in an office all day and in the short time I've done this let me tell you I can feel such a difference in myself to the point I'm craving to get back into it this week. The smallest amount, even a few crunches or press ups each morning will make a difference. Start small and build up a routine, then wait for your results!
11. Set short term goals.
- This is a big one for me. I choose short term goals because it doesn't seem unattainable or overwhelming. Its far better to break things down into steps that you can do, and you can make happen. Once you have ticked them off you will get a better sense of achievement. Take it easy and don't be hard on yourself.
12. Write lists.
- This one kind of follows on from the previous one. I write to do lists all the time, from the smallest things like getting my hair done, to reading up on something, taking time aside to work on myself. Anything. It acts as a reminder for things, I am so guilty of wanting to do things in my own time or ending up waiting longer than I should for things I need to do because I forget or don't make time for it. Again, it breaks things down, reminds you, and gives you a sense of accomplishment, which is the most important thing. It makes you feel in control of your life.
13. Cook up a storm.
- I find cooking quite relaxing and I'm always left filled with a sense of achievement even if its something I can work on, because I know its far better for me than heating something up for five minutes in the microwave thats full of chemicals and preservatives. It definitely makes for more interesting meals! Also, it helps the curiosity and makes you wonder what you can make next, or do differently next time/make variations. The plus side to this is it usually makes you feel one hundred times better than you would after eating a ready meal.
14. Leave work at work.
- If you're anything like me, I tend to dwell on things that happen at work or rant about it when I get home. Don't let it leave the building with you. Often easier said than done, however take that happy feeling you get when you're leaving and follow it through to the next part of your day.
15. Breathe.
- Finally, just breathe. Deep and slow breaths, whilst focusing on being present and not whats going on around you for around five minutes really does help you to feel calm and collected. There are plenty of apps if you'd like to have someone walk you through it. Its great when you have your headphones on for a commute, when you feel anxious or even to help you drift off to sleep. Find a technique that works best for you and explore it.
I hope this helps and to anyone struggling help is always there. Have I missed anything that works for you? Let me know!
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